Police & Emergency

For police, ambulance and fire emergency services, knowing the location of your officers is vital towards managing services effectively and protecting their safety.

Web Track GPS vehicle tracking system is a robust and innovative solution that is used to locate the vehicles in your fleet, receive real time location data regarding the whereabouts, travel history, vehicle speed and stopping time of your vehicles. This information is accessible through our web-based dashboard in both visual map based format as well as retrospective reports.

Alternatively, your officers can be equipped with a SOS Personal Tracker, which will identify their location whilst working in the field. Their safety is also improved by the inclusion of a panic button that will automatically make contact with a pre-determined phone number if triggered. Back-up or assistance can then be deployed immediately, aided by having real time information about the location of your nearest officers.

Providing at risk employees with portable safety and monitoring systems can both satisfy your corporate responsibility and provide essential management information, which can be used to:

  • Improve the efficiency of your service
  • Respond to emergencies more efficiently
  • Comply with legislative requirements
  • Warn of ‘Man Down’ situation
  • Enhance planning
  • Increase utilisation
  • Improve productivity
  • Provide personal safety