
When it comes to managing a mobile workforce, the issue of security is paramount. Having your team and vehicles in a hundred places at once requires an accurate monitoring method. Webtracks’ secure GPS tracking system enables you to find staff immediately as well as locate stolen vehicles, allowing for guaranteed security of all cargo.

Anti Theft Tracking Device, Protect Vehicle From Theft

With the threat of robbery on the rise, for both vehicles and cargo, it is vital to install a vehicle monitoring system so you know when your property is at all times. An anti theft tracking tool tracker will enable you to find stolen goods should they go missing, allowing for theft recovery, and reducing possible down time spent on replacing expensive equipment and dealing with lost revenue. Secure asset management is key to a successful mobile unit, as it provides employers, employees, and customers the peace of mind that they are protected from theft.

Protect Workers and Vulnerable People

In order to take care of your staff, as well as abide by health and safety obligations, we recommend using monitoring systems to protect those workers in remote locations. Webtrack offers various mobile tracking devices for sale, such as personal tracking devices, anti theft tracking device, In-Vehicle tracking with dash-mounted SOS buttons, and Mobile Phone Tracking.  With a legal and moral duty to protect lone workers and vulnerable people, these portable safety monitors allow for an immediate alert of a man-down situation as well as reducing any negative financial impact of an employee incident. This improves safety for everyone, increasing productivity and making you a choice employer.

Reduce Security Premiums

The main benefit of installing vehicle monitoring systems is that it reduces risk: less risk of stolen property, less risk of detrimental employee incidents, and less risk of lost revenue. All of this leads to a reduced security premium, as you can guarantee tracking of all property as well as ensure solid delivery times and employee productivity. By securing your expensive equipment with anti-theft tool trackers it enables you to manage the issue efficiently, with a high chance of theft recovery no matter the location.

Peace of Mind for All

The positive knock on effect of installing a vehicle monitoring system permeates throughout a business. Employers can rest assured they know where equipment is at all times, and that they have increased chances of theft recovery. Customers have peace of mind knowing their cargo has GPS tracking, providing accurate delivery times and property security. Employees can work safely knowing they’ll be found immediately should assistance be required; with various mobile tracking devices for sale Webtrack is on hand to instill a sense of security in your employees that will increase their productivity and overall company security.

How can WebTrack help you?

An investment in vehicle monitoring systems is a must for those with mobile units and remote workers, and as Western Australia’s experts in mobile tracking who better to provide you with reliable, high quality products. WebTrack has been providing accurate GPS systems since 1992, so trust in our knowledge to find the right system for your business regardless of size. To find out more about our mobile tracking devices for sale contact us here, or give us a call today on 1300 138 030.